The animated web series for children called Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures, created by Disney and Lucasfilm, will receive another season, the second one. The first season called The Adventures of Star Wars Galaxy was released in November 2018 on the Star Wars YouTube channel, and the Star Wars official website. Now, the producers are continuing the story and the animation with the second season.
The first season of Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures animation is reproducing a faithful copy of the Star Wars films. The animation is reproducing many crucial and critical moments from the Star Wars movies, especially from the original trilogy. Disney thought to come with the idea of having toys for the animated series, alongside comic. All these ideas that are coming and are designed for the younger audience.
Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures Season 2 Is Confirmed
Moreover, when it comes to the second season of Galaxy of Adventures, we will see the shift between the original movies to the Sequel Trilogy, from the original to Ray’s Company. The adult fans that saw Star Wars and know what all is about will see that new original stories will have the new characters added. So, Season 2 is not coming only with small changes.
Besides this, Lucasfilm released the first three episodes from Season 2 of the Galaxy of Adventures. The names of the three chapters are – Ray and Friends Against First Order, Call Rain, and Darth Vader – A legacy of Power and Force Calls to Ray. The company is also the one that declared themselves happy to see all the post of the adults that are watching the animation with their children.
Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures, Season 1 gathered a lot of Twitter posts of these kinds of examples. Finally, the team behind the Galaxy of Adventures is saying that they don’t want to stop at Season 2. They have plans to continue and to show even prequel stories.
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