Apex Legends Season 4: Assimilation begins very soon, to be more specific on February 4. The free-to-play battle royale game developed by Respawn Entertainment will bring a new character to the game. What have Respawn developers prepared for us this upcoming season?
Although the hints pointed in the direction of Season 4 launching with Revenant at the helm, Respawn has turned the tables upside down, revealing that they will add new character Forge to Apex Legends: Assimilation.
Forge is the new character in Apex Legends Season 4
We don’t have many details on the new character as developers did not reveal much about it. However, they did share a screenshot of the upcoming fighter.
“This guy, he’s the exact opposite of Crypto–who was our last Legend,” said Tom Casiello, writer of Apex Legends game in the Season 4 Reveal Devstream. “This guy, he’s a brawler, he gets up close and personal with you, he’s got a mean left hook, he’s a five-time Hyperfighting Federation Champion. Big personality.”
More details on Forge
Apex Games will include an advertised Legend for the first time and is no other than the upcoming fighter Forge.
“[Forge has] conquered one world–the MMA world–and now he wants to conquer another one with the Apex Games. He’s also the first Legend we’re introducing who’s a corporate sponsor. His sponsor is Hammond Robotics.”
It looks like Forge holds a connection to the Titanfall games as well, which makes the game even more exciting. If you don’t know what Titanfall game is, let me tell. It is a multiplayer first-person shooter video game developed by Respawn Entertainment.
Hammond Robotics is responsible for creating most of the enemies you fight in Titanfall 2’s campaign, such as the Spectres, Marvins, and Titans and is one of the first companies within the IMC. The mysterious Syndicate took its place and gained favor with the public by founding the Apex Games.
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