There’s an ancient clay tablet that could change our lives forever. In the engraved scripture, the Babylonian God suggests to Noah that he should tell his helpers that food will rain from the sky if they help in building the ark.
But Dr. Martin Worthington, who’s an expert in the Babylonian language, stated that the words are not what it seems. He discovered something tricky on the 11th tablet of Gilgamesh, which dates back to 700BC, which explains the flood. Even if Noah has a very different name in the scripture, thing found by George Smith back in 1872, it’s the same story as we know it – Noah and the Ark from the Bible, but with not so many Gods.
Translated from the cuneiform script, the lines say, “’at dawn, there will be kukku cakes,” but it can also mean “’at dawn, he will rain down upon you darkness.” There’s another line that suggests that he would rain down abundance, and another one, that he would rain down abundantly.
An Ancient Clay Tablet Told the Story of Noah and the Ark All Wrong
It’s quite tricky, as said by Dr. Worthington because Ea spreads fake news everywhere. He tells Noah that he should promise people that food will come from the sky if they help him build the ark. And the ark is done, Noah and his family go into the ark and survive with the animals, but everyone else drowns.
Dr. Worthington suggests that this is the earliest ever example of fake news, and that’s when the manipulation of information and language started. He also talks about Ea’s part in the story: it’s all about self-interest. It was believed that the Babylonian’s Gods needed to be fed by humans to survive.
This tablet can be found at the British Museum, and a scholar of that time could have inscribed it.
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