Thanks to Astronomers We Have New Pictures with the Interstellar Comet

Exciting news and images are coming from the Yale astronomers. We have a new set of close-up pictures with an interstellar comet named 2l/Borisov.

The interstellar comet, Borisov, is not new for astronomers, because the first time it has been seen by them in this summer. What we know now is that the comet is getting closer to our planet, and will reach closer by 190 million miles in December.

What we know about the comet is the theory of the astronomers. They believe that 2l’s birth happened in another solar system, much more significant and higher than ours. After its birth, the comet was ejected into space because of a collision with another planet in the solar system.

Now that we know the short history of the comet, which can be plausible, some Yale astronomers decided to capture it in images. The team of astronomers is composed of Pieter Van Dokkum, Shany Danieli, Gregory Laughlin, and Chen-Han Hsieh.

2l/Borisov Interstellar Comet

The four fantastic astronomers caught the comet with the help of the Low-Resolution Imaging Spectrometer from the W.M Keck Observatory in Hawaii. Besides the close-up of the comet, another set of images are showing us how the comet will look, and it will be on the closer point besides Earth.

Moreover, what is interesting with 2l/Borisov, is the way the comet is composed, acting, and what will become with it. The first thing that makes us all feel small is the fact that the comet has a tail of 100.000 miles long. To have an image of the comparison, the picture of the comet is 14 times the size of our planet.

Second of all, the comet has a nucleus with a capacity of a mile full. Also, during all this travel from its solar system, the comet will have the appearance of a ghost, in time. Finally, on its way, 2l/Borisov will evaporate in time because of the effect of our Sun against it. But all the changes the comet is facing is an excellent material for study for the astronomers. In time they will find more useful and exciting information about comets and other planets and systems.