Nicole Kidman has recently reunited with one of her co-stars, Hugh Grant. It all happened just hours after the trailer of their new series dropped on HBO, called The Undoing. The TV series will come out soon on HBO, and it’s expected to be a great show.
Nicole Kidman is 52 years old, and Hugh Grant is 59 years old. Kidman posted a picture of them on Instagram. In the caption, she stated that was not a bad way to spend a Monday. She also wrote some of the other captions like #HughGrant and #TheUndoing.
She was wearing a Gucci coat, and underneath, she wore a cobalt blue dress shirt, with black pants. Grant was wearing a grey suit, and they were both smiling in the photo.
They form a happy couple in The Undoing
The pair are set to star in The Undoing, a new series that will be released on HBO soon. The show will have six episodes, and it is based on a novel by Jean Hanff Korelitz, called “You Should Have Known.” The series will be released on the 10th of May, 2020.
But then the unexpected happens
The role that they play is a happily married couple, Grace Fraser and Jonathan Fraser. They are living their best lives. But then a violent death happens, and their lives are changed forever. This death then leads to some terrible revelations, and Grace becomes a suspect.
She is also too public about the entire thing. Nicole Kidman (Grace Fraser) is forced to leave behind her “before” life with her husband and son (played by Noah Jupe). She is also forced to build a brand new life for her family. Will she be able to get through the situation and live a normal, happy life again? We will find out as soon as possible.
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