How Paradise Lost Is Another Take on Nazi Games

Paradise Lost is a game with a very interesting premise. Over twenty years after the Nazi destroy Germany and Eastern Europe with the help of a nuclear bomb, a young and innocent Polish boy looks into one of their abandoned bunkers just outside the city of Krakow. The game sends you underground to discover the mysteries of the scary fortress in a narrative adventure game. A new trailer published by the developers gives you a much closer look at some of the bunker sets, where you will explore underneath the wasteland and see the background of their history.

PolyAmorous, the developers of Paradise Lost, explain that, in the game, you get to explore a large underground world in which a peculiar, highly advanced technology mixes with elements and myths of Slavic folklore. Are you feeling that you can understand what fate the inhabitants of the genuine place meet. Developers also mentioned that the bunker was developed as part of the Ark Project, which was supposed to foster the coming of the Aryan race until they were able to reemerge and rule the created wasteland. Unfortunately, the Nazi plans for post-apocalyptic world domination did not work out.

The environments in the new trailer are, as you might have expected from such a setting, full of giant steam pipes, eagle statues and enormous rail tracks, among some other Nazi motifs. Personally, I think that the game is a little too Nazi-fied, but I am still holding my hopes up for the upcoming unusual, and highly advanced technology. I hope that it is not going to be the same old “they were evil, but they were definitely impressive” concept that has been tried and applied time after time to games about World War II Germany. Lost Paradise probably gambles on the elements of Slavic folklore to stand out.