Earth’s Magnetic North Pole Movement is Still Happening, But The Drift Decreased

Recent research has announced that the drifting of Earth’s magnetic north pole, which has been shifting quicker than supposed to, has passed the principal meridian.

The last investigations had indicated that the magnetic north pole of Earth has been ‘running’ from its previous place in the Canadian Arctic to Siberia. Such a moving is approximated to happen at almost 55km/year in the last two decades.

As the recent report by the National Centers for Environmental Information and the British Geological Survey, resurfaces, we learn that the shifting is still happening, but a considerably lower of 40km/year.

The Importance of the Earth’s Magnetic North Pole

The Earth’s magnetic north pole represents an essential feature in calibrating GPS and other measurements. Even if it has been cruising since the 1830s, its movement grew a lot in the past few years. Such a phenomenon had now compelled researchers to realize an upgrade to the World Magnetic Model, which is broadly utilized by people’s navigation systems.

Moreover, the Earth’s magnetic field also represents the result of the stirring of the planet’s iron exterior core, that it gives back an advanced north-south magnetic field. However, because of some unidentified center dynamics within the planet, the magnetic field is right now, suffering a continuous weakening phase. Such a fact is developing the drift of the magnetic north pole.

Researchers don’t know, however, if the Earth’s magnetic north pole will ever strengthen back, and it will cease the process of drifting. We should not worry, though, because such magnetic shifts had occurred in the past without any negative consequences on the planet’s biology. It is advisable to reconsider a recalibration for the different navigation devices. Such types of systems usually utilize the World Magnetic Model to function correctly.