The CDC Updates Coronvirus Guidelines For Testing

The Centers For Disease Control and Prevention has changed the coronavirus testing guidelines. It is no longer recommended to test many people without symptoms, even if they were in close contact with an infected person.

Previous guidelines mentioned that viral testing is required for people who were exposed to infected persons even if they did not present any symptoms. The main argument was a high potential of pre-symptomatic or asymptomatic transmission, and that it is essential to find new cases before they spread the virus to others.

New rules

According to the revamped guidelines, persons who have been in close contact with an infected person for at least 15 minutes but do not have any symptoms don’t have to take a test if they aren’t a member of vulnerable categories or if the health care provider prior health officials require one.

People who opt to get a test should stay isolated at home until the test arrives and follow the advice offered by healthcare professionals. It is also mentioned that health officials might request a test even if you are feeling well since asymptomatic cases play an important role in the spread of the virus.

Backlash from health experts

The new guidelines have sparked discussions among health experts, with many of them criticizing the wording of the advice. Allowing persons who have been exposed to COVID-19 patients for extended periods of time to skip tests is quite disconcerting, according to some doctors.

Current statistics note that 50% of all transmissions are caused by asymptomatic patients who continue to move around the community and expose other people to the virus. Current contact tracing efforts would also be affected by the altered guidelines. However, a spokesperson for the US Department of Health and Human Services argued that the changes would not cause any negative impacts in the long run.