Star Trek: Discovery Season 3 — Netflix Released More Details

Netflix is taking-off each time a new Show is having big success on its platform. We don’t have to count the shows that the streaming platform had released or taken from other producers and succeeded. However, it seems that this Netflix trend will not stop, and another production will have a follow-up as well. Star Trek: Discovery is currently at Season 2, and the company announced that we release the Season 3 as well. Let’s see what details we have about the big success title, Star Trek: Discovery.

From the data we have right now, we are expecting to see Season 3 of Star Trek Discovery somewhere around February 2020. The official date for release isn’t confirmed by Netflix yet. However, regarding the plot in Season 3, we know a thing or two. Take Spock for example, you see the character from two seasons now, but it seems that Season 3 will change it. After the experience he had in the signals and the red angel, Spock has his logical brain-damaged, and the emotional part is not doing good as well. So, because of this event, we will see a different version of him.

Netflix Released More Details On The Star Trek: Discovery Season 3

Moreover, we know from Alex Kurtzman, who is the Executive Producer of the show, that we will have an exciting Season 3. This new season will take the path of the relationship between Spock and Michael Burman, his half-sister. In this season, we will understand more about their relationship and why we didn’t know about his sibling.

Finally, no official trailer has been released by now, so we can’t take a pick into the Season 3 of Star Trek: Discovery. When the Comic-con from this year happened, we were hoping that the company will reveal the trailer. When Season 2 was announced, the company gave us a first look at the trailer, but now, they didn’t follow the same pattern. So, until February, we will have to wait and see.