Official Reports of UFO Sightings to be Published Online by The UK RAF

Claims made by the members of the public that reported UFO sightings to the authorities in the UK will allegedly be released and published online.

The Royal Air Force (RAF) has stored all the reports coming from the public and now wants to make them known to the online world. The RAF operated a UFO unit for about 50 years but dismissed it back in 2009 after concluding that none of the claimed reports were proving any real threat, as The Sun has reported.

Even though numerous reports were earlier made to the country’s National Archives, the British portal states that the the claims will be registered online as requested by a Freedom of Information Act request by the PA news agency.

A representative for the RAF said: “It had been assessed that it would be better to publish these records, rather than continue sending documents to the National Archives, and so they are looking to put them on to a dedicated web page.”​

The UK RAF Will Publish Their Official Reports of UFO Sightings Online

People from the broad public will now have the possibility to view information about similar experiences and make their own judgments. There is currently an approval process in development, and it is expected that the reports made by the public will be published online in the following two months.

Replying to the FOI request, the RAF allegedly categorized the files as ‘comprising entirely of correspondence with members of the public.’

“Given the massive public interest in this subject, I’m pleased that these files will be released and made available online,” Nick Pope, who used to analyze UFO sightings for the country’s Ministry of Defense, stated.

“When I worked on the Ministry of Defense’s ‘UFO desk’ we didn’t find definitive proof of extraterrestrial visitation, but there were so many bizarre and unexplained sightings that we didn’t entirely rule it out.”