Masks Are Great For Preventing Severe COVID-19 Cases

A new study argues that masks play an essential role in slowing the spread of COVID-19 by preventing infected people from spraying the virus across long distances when they talk, cough, or sneeze. Previous research recorded in several countries has shown that masks are effective.

One surprising fact is represented by the fact that the use of a mask while being infected can lower the chance of developing a more severe form of the virus. This trend has been observed once people were obliged to wear a mask in public, especially in busy areas.

Superior protection

People who wear a mask, even if it is a cloth one, are exposed to a lower amount of coronavirus in comparison to those who don’t wear one at all. Recent experiments based on animal models and previous viral research has also shown that lower viral doses lead to tamer cases.

Once the virus enters the organism, it starts to convert the closest cells into reproduction machines that are used to accelerate the spread across the body. By liming the amount of virus inoculum, the virus will spread slower across the body, and it is easier to combat.

Document research

The role of viral doses in determining the intensity of a viral disease has been explored for more than a hundred years, with many studies reinforcing the argument that a higher dose leads to more severe cases.

A study that took place in 2015 involved humans exposed to a flu virus. Participants who received a higher dose of the virus were sicker in comparison to those who received smaller doses within the same timeframe. One downside of wearing masks is represented by the fact that the number of asymptomatic cases is also higher since the virus is not strong enough to trigger obvious symptoms.

More information can be found in the study, which was published in a scientific journal.