Raya and the Last Dragon is the soon-to-be-released animated fiction movie made by Paul Briggs and Dean Wellins, screenplay by Adele Lim. The film will be produced by Disney Animation Studios. They made an official statement back in 2019 on D23 Expo. Here is all we know so far about the Raya And The Last Dragon movie.
So when is the release date?
Raya and the Last Dragon were supposed to be hit the cinema in the US on the 25th of November, 2020. However, because of the new coronavirus outbreak, Disney had to delay this project and get in line with the rest of the studios, which had to shut down their productions. The movie is set to be released on a new release date, on the 12th of March, 2021.
What about the cast in Raya and the Last Dragon?
Disney has only announced the cast for the main characters, Raya and the dragon. So Raya will be played by Cassie Steele, and Sisu will be played by Awkwafina.
What’s the plot of the movie?
The plot of Raya and the Last Dragon reads: ‘In a mysterious realm called Kumandra, a warrior named Raya searches for the last dragon in the world.’
The movie is set to be influenced by East Asian mythology, and the two characters are Raya, a brave warrior searching for the last dragon, and Sisu, a water dragon that has the ability to change into a human.
Disney’s first original movie after 2016’s Moana
As we have all seen, Disney focuses on making reboots of their classic movies right now – Lion King, Jungle Book, Mulan. We have not gotten an original film form, Disney, from quite the time. Raya and the Last Dragon will be the first original movie after 2016’s Moana.
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