Obesity Can Boost the Risk Of Developing Complications Caused By COVID-19

A new batch of studies takes a close look at the way on which obesity can be linked to COVID-19 and a larger number of complications caused by dangerous studies.

One of the studies noted that patients who were hospitalized and diagnosed with metabolic syndrome (which reunites obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes or increased cholesterol levels tied to cardiac disease) are up to 5 times more likely to require intensive care and up to four times more prone to dying from the infection.

Escalating problems

As the number of issues associated with the metabolic syndrome was higher, the prognosis became worse. Obesity and diabetes presented strong ties to the increased risk of needing intensive care and a ventilator, while high blood pressure wasn’t a significant factor. Inflammation associated with metabolic syndrome could be a major culprit in severe cases of COVID-19.

A second study which was also focused on the role of obesity in COVID-19 cases argues that observe person face higher risks associated with becoming infected, the need to receive specialized healthcare in a hospital, of being admitted to ICU for extensive care and of dying as metabolic changes and insulin imbalances can affect the immune response.

Easier to become infected

The third study notes that higher levels of obesity are associated with a higher risk of becoming infected as overweight adults are 1.1 times more likely to contract the virus, and the risk rose to 1.3 times more likely in the case of obese people.

As the number of COVID-19 cases continues to increase at a fast or slower pace in most countries, new strategies and guidelines are being explored with the aim to reduce the spread of the virus before the flu season arrives in the following months.

The three studies can be found in popular scientific journals.