NASA Scientists Produced New Engine To Propel Spaceships At Almost The Speed Of Light

A scientist from NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Alabama, David Burns, revealed his latest creation – the helical engine. This new propulsion method could propel spaceships at almost the speed of light.

The new creation would soon change the way we know space travel. Burns’ new engine might help humans travel to deep space much faster than nowadays. This helical engine might finally be the solution for us to explore the distant regions of the Universe, areas of space that are not accessible now due to technological limitations.

The helical engine could propel spaceships across the Universe without fuel. However, the newly invented propulsion method breaks the laws of physics as we know them at the moment. David Burns considers that his invention worth a shot. “I’m comfortable with throwing it out there. If someone says it doesn’t work, I’ll be the first to say it was worth a shot,” Burns said for the New Scientist magazine.

The new engine created by the NASA scientists can propel spaceships At the speed of light

The helical engine works according to Isaac Newton’s laws of motion – we have a box with a ring inside it, which is sprung in one direction, while the box recoils on the other side. “is sprung in one direction,” the New Scientist magazine reported.

When the box accelerates at the speed of light, the ring inside it will increase in mass, as it will work faster forward than backward. That would translate into forwarding motion, as per Einstein’s Theory of Relativity.

“Chemical, nuclear, and electric propulsion systems produce thrust by accelerating and expelling propellants. Deep space travel is often a trade-off between thrust and large propellant storage tanks that eventually limit performance. The objective of this paper is to introduce and examine a unique engine that uses a closed-cycle propellant,” David Burns explained in his study on the helical engine. Burns knows that his propulsion method might not work, but he is ready for failure as well as for the improvement of the engine.