Our local cosmos is surrounded by an enormous wall, positioned in the proximity of the Southern border. The South Pole Wall, as is was named by astronomers, is an agglomeration of thousands of galaxies and trillions of stars, as well as dark worlds and dust. To travel across all of these outer space formations one would need approximately 700 million light-years.
The zone of Avoidance
Apart from its unusual formation, what is even more interesting about the South Pole Wall is that it disturbs the normal expansion of our galaxy, the Milky Way. This is why, a team of astronomers from the Paris-Saclay University, led by Daniel Pomarede, and the University of Hawaii, under the supervision of R. Brent Tully, performed and extensive study of what is called “the zone of avoidance.”
What do we learn from the study?
The paper was recently published in the Astrophysical Journal and features a series of comprehensive maps and diagrams of the wonders of the South Pole Wall. Their mission is to determine an exact location of our galaxy in the infinite universe and to determine our neighbors, as well as a forecast of Milky Way’s evolution.
Dr. Pomarede declared that the findings suggest that Milky Way is almost as big as the Sloan Great Wall and two times closer than the South Pole Wall, but somehow this detail was neglected. Until now… when the team of researchers compared the distances between 18,000 galaxies. For example, the most distant objects are situated at 13 billion light years away and were formed somewhere around the time of Big Bang.
How can we see these newly-discovered galaxies?
Unfortunately, there is no such telescope that could help us admire these outer space formations. This is what gave the astronomers a hard time, since the only way they could study the South Pole Wall is by analyzing their gravitational effects when comparing data from various telescopes around the world.
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