Attack On Titan is a series based on the Japanese manga with the same name. The series follows the story of some people that found safety behind the thick walls of their city, which were enough to keep them separated from the gigantic, human-eating Titans. At a certain point, the walls of the city are breached and thoroughly destroyed by a couple of Titans. These are the Colossal Titan and the Armored Titan, two ridiculously strong Titans. The fact that they destroyed Wall Maria means that the people are left to face the anger of the Titans. That is definitely quite a cliffhanger. Many fans are now waiting to see how the series will continue.
The series initially aired in 2013 and it began by predicting its final episode, which is an interesting move for a series. Attack on Titan garnered an impressive following, getting two more seasons after the first one and being renewed for yet another. Unfortunately for the fans of the series, this year will be the last one in which we will see Attack on Titan.
At the end of the last episode of season three, a timeline was made public for the fall of 2020. This declared all the show’s last season release on NHK General. On May 29, 2020, a valuable information was made public: the final season of Attack on Titan has switched production studios.
For now, there is no release date for Attack on Titan season 4. Fans are on their toes to see how the show will end. The previous three seasons of Attack on Titan are available online. It looks like it is going to be quite some time before season 4 is made available. COVID-19 has delayed the production of the anime, so there are chances that we will only see the final season in summertime, or October at the latest.
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