Apex Legends Battle Armor Event – All That You Need To Know

apex legends

Apex Legends is kind of like a new video game. It was released last year by Electronic Arts, but it is not considered a rookie game. This relatively new free-to-play battle royale game has become very popular in a short period of time.

Respawn Entertainment developer did a fantastic job bringing a new formula in these types of games, and what players like about a video game is to have unique options in terms of characters. And Apex Legends has different characters than what you would typically see in a battle-royale game, which bought its success. Another thing that keeps the players happy about this game is the fact that developers are releasing updates regularly.

Respawn Entertainment is holding the players captivated with all sorts of new game events. Exciting events bring color in a game, and the developer team knows how to do that. Let’s talk about the Evo armor, for example. What this special feature does, is that the armor becomes stronger by the number of kills you have made. Fans loved it, so Respawn Entertainment saw an opportunity to release an event based on a new armor. Continue reading below to find out more about the Battle Armor Event.

The Apex Legends Battle Armor Event

There is no doubt that this event will turn out to be one of the most exceptional events in Apex Legends. Players who thought they knew how to play this hame will need a new strategy, plus the loot a player gets is different. The gaming industry is a very competitive platform. However, Respawn Entertainment is doing a pretty good job of keeping the fans happy. This concept is fresh, and it works just fine, taking into consideration that the popularity of games like Valorant is increasing pretty fast.

What is the event about?

Basically, players will start with an armor and a P2020 pistol. But, moving forward, the game is all tricks. The player is not able to pick any sort of armor that comes in the form of loot. The only thing the player is allowed to do is to refill their armor with shield cells and batteries. However, the major thing about this new game mode is the gameplay style. Players will have to change the way they are playing this game, and that’s not easy.

If so far, you are not that impressed; developers have created this new game mode so that your armor will change throughout the whole Battle Armor Event. The game starts with the White armor, and it will last for four days. Every four days of the event, the armor will change. Next is the Blue armor, then the Purple armor, and lastly, the Evo armor. This game mode is available for almost two weeks and two days.

Here are the dates when every armor level will be introduced in the game:

  • April 28 — May 2: Level 1 White armor only
  • May 2 — May 6: Level 2 Blue armor only
  • May 6 — May 9: Level 3 Purple armor only
  • May 9 — May 12: Evo armor only

The great news is that Respawn Entertainment will continue to introduce this kind of similar type of twists in the game. That means that we might soon see another unique game mode coming to Apex Legends.

The fourth season of the game is coming close to an end, at the fifth season will soon start, and that means new game content. Let us know what you think about the Apex Legends Battle Armor Event in the comment section below. What kind of game mode would you like to see next in this game?